People - Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine



DCM is committed to continually improving our organisation’s effectiveness and efficiency through planned systemic change processes by designing, sourcing and implementing appropriate solutions and interventions to measurably enable the organisation to optimise its purpose and strategy.

Our strategy focuses on the significant shortage of critical core skills and growing the skills base of all stakeholders. Emphasis is placed on the development of candidates as part of the overall HR strategy to achieve HDSA and WIM targets. DCM is committed to ensure that its stakeholders are given the opportunity of acquiring skills and competencies to achieve both individual and organisational goals in the context of both the mine’s operational objectives and the Local Economic Development (LED) objectives. This Skills Development Plan affords stakeholders the opportunity to participate in bursaries, learnerships and skills development programmes and various other training initiatives.

Succession Planning

It is a business imperative for DCM to create and maintain an effective Succession Planning process for the supply of high potential and performing current and future talent in order to support the Human Resources Strategy. The objective of this procedure is to provide a framework for the development and growth of talented employees for the organisation, thereby ensuring that the business has adequate talent to sustain the success of the business into the future; as well as ensuring sufficient management and leadership succession capacity in the organisation.

Talent management

This policy supports the Human Resources strategy and provides structure to talent management as an integral part of Human Resources Development and promotes an environment where talent can thrive and be productive. It furthermore supports the principles of employment equity and transformation by ensuring that talented and committed employees from designated groups will be exposed to development opportunities in a fair and consistent manner.

The objective of the Succession Planning policy is to:

  • Create and maintain an effective Talent Management process by identifying high potential employees and retain performing current and future talent in order to support the Human Resources Strategy at Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine.
  • Provide a framework for the development and growth of talented employees in and/or for the organisation by ensuring that development programmes are facilitated to identified employees.
  • Ensure that the business has adequate talent to sustain the success of the business into the future; as well as
  • Ensure the current talent is retained and developed into management and leadership roles through succession planning initiatives within short and medium term programmes.
  • Align the Recruitment and Selection process to talent management initiatives.

Women in Mining

At DCM, women are engaged and participate in all aspects of working in the mining industry. Formalised structures exist where women in mining are able to raise and address challenges faced by women working underground and on surface.

Secretary and registered office

Ore and Metal Company Limited
Assore House
15 Fricker Road
Illovo Boulevard

Postal address
Private Bag X03
© Dwarsrivier 2023, Designed and Developed by The Digital Thread

Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine Proprietary Limited(“DCM”) was previously held in a 50% by Assore Limited now Assore South Africa Proprietary Limited (“Assore”) and 50% by African Rainbow Minerals Limited (“ARM”). In 2016 Assore concluded its acquisition of the remaining 50% of Dwarsrivier from ARM and is now its 100% shareholder. The company is a mining operations company involved in extraction and beneficiation of chromium in the Limpopo province.